Fragments. Fractured remnants – separate, broken, other. Here are traces – traces suggesting something, but invariably something less than the whole. Here we are witness to this melancholy place of lost narratives and re-imagined connections; the assemblage of traces, whisper the possibility of these many stories all at once – and we wonder at what might have been…
Dan Auluk is an artist-curator & film maker interested in exploring how we communicate and interact through experimental encounters. Auluk showcases two films: the first explores themes around intimacy and disruption (Sleep, 2022), constructed entirely from still photographs; and the second (Nowhereland, 2020), a dystopian sci-fi short exploring themes of isolation and loss, stitched together from fragments of video contributions, from invited film makers. www.danauluk.com
As a sculptor, Sarah Fortes Mayer delves deeply into the processes of ageing, challenging traditional expectations of this human condition. Experimenting with a myriad of materials, Fortes Mayer works to capture the invisibleness, the ephemeral nature, and poignant inevitability of ageing. www.sarahfortesmayer.com
Sally Bailey is a painter – embedded within the interfaces and interstices existing and emerging between Painter/painting/Painting (as subject/process/object). Here the outcomes of experimentation are displayed; fragments that function as epistemic things. In a continuing process of evolving and revealing, they reflect a material moment in time, the beginnings of presencing. www.sallybailey.co.uk