Family mix media workshop with artist Tereza Buskova

Born into slavery in Benton, Alabama, Traylor practised his art only during a three-year period, after the age of eighty-five. His initial mediums were watercolor and pencil, later expanded to include charcoal and poster paint; his supports were pieces of discarded cardboard. Traylor's subject matter was the street life of downtown Montgomery, observed from his makeshift sidewalk studio (a crate and a table), where he produced between 1,200 and 1,500 whimsical drawings.
This workshop will be delivered via Zoom.
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👉 Zoom meeting code: 827 4846 7848
- A3 or A4 white paper / card or brown paper / parcel paper / cardboard
- coloured paper - black, blue, red or any other colour (you can also use brown envelopes or cut out magazines / newspapers
- black ink or black poster paint / acrylic paint (we will also use other colours: blue, red) & plastic pot
- watercolours
- thin round brushes or black crayon, pencil or black marker pen
- scissors
- glue
- cut out black & white drawings made by Tereza
Please click the link below to download workshop drawingS template by Tereza Buskova.