Stryx 3A: Collage Inspired by Marquetry with Ed Wakefield

Join Ed Wakefield this Saturday 11am - 2pm for a collaging workshop based on the exquisite marquetry designs from the cabinets and boxes of Brian Newman on show in the new exhibition ‘Newman Made’.Be inspired by the patterns, geometry and the coloured patinas of his creations.The exhibition will be open the study these amazing works for inspiration.

The session will provide magazine and recycled paper material, though you are welcome to bring your own material to collage with.

This workshop is designed for adults aged 50+ however adults of any age are welcome.

Places are free but booking is essential. 

This workshop is also part of #100daysofcreativity A curated calendar of events, activities and experiences taking place in Birmingham from 19 May - 26 August
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