SHORE, Leon Trimble and ENµ, Stryx, Minerva Works

Last month, an exhibition of cumulative work in progress by two artists, Leon Trimble / @Leodreamland from Birmingham, UK and Enrika Myskovskaja / @en______u, from Berlin, took place at GH36 Gallery Berlin. The installation featured a quadraphonic sound and a 4-channel video, exploring the concepts of Smooth and Striated boundaries and perpetuity as proposed by Gilles Deleuze.

In this month's continued exchange, Leon & Erika explore textural relationships between sounds according to the Deleuze and Guattari idea of smooth & striated, felted & quilted, embroidered & patchworked. Creating an audio-visual sculpture out of their equipment that embodies the smooth/striated in the physical space. After meeting in Berlin and working together in GH36, the pair have been exploring content delivery techniques in improvised music.

Leon uses analogue devices in the synths and video. Enrika, on the other hand, uses sample-based digital manipulation of sounds. Armed with a modular synth and a laptop, respectively.Enrika Myskovskaja is an electronic musician, improviser and sound explorer. Her work is influenced by scientific reference and an explorative study of environmental experience and investigates the sonic properties of ordinary, peculiar, repetitive and unrepeatable content generated. She produced systems responding with sound to Leon's 360 visualisations.Leon Trimble is a digital artist who works in audio-visual performance. He specialises in immersive video and synth design. During his residency at Stryx and his collaboration with Myskovskaja, Trimble explored locative art further and collaborate by testing the responsiveness of different mediums, and sound.

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