Policy Number 1

Title Safeguarding (Protection of Vulnerable People)

Area of Operations: Health & Safety

Date implemented November 2021

Date last reviewed March 2024


1. Introduction p.1

2. Stryx Safeguarding Charter p.1

3. Code of Conduct p.2

4. Code of conduct for working with children, young people and adults at risk p.3

5. Legislations and guidance p.3

6. Safeguarding Procedures p.4

7. Safe Environment p.5

8. Safe Recruitment p.5

9. Training p.5

10.Communication p.6

11. Whistle-blowing policy p.6

Appendix A – Definitions and responsibilities p.7

Appendix B - Safeguarding Procedures document p.9

Appendix C - Definitions of abuse (Birmingham Safeguarding Children and Adult Boards) p.13

Appendix D - Allegations of abuse against staff / directors p.15

Appendix E - Statement of Conduct on Freedom of Speech and Expression p.16

Appendix F - Stryx Disclosure of Information Report form p.18


Stryx recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children, young people and adults at

risk, by a commitment to practice which protects them.

All employees, workers, contractors and agency workers should be aware of their obligations to ensure

the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk.

Taking into account legislation, guidance and best practice Stryx does not believe that it undertakes any

‘regulated activities’ for children, young people and adults at risk – see Appendix A for definitions.

Stryx’s recruitment and appointment processes include robust and transparent pre-employment checks

including criminal record checks and regular re-vetting for employees, contractors, workers and agency


Changes to the public programme are reviewed in accordance with health and safety and risk

management policies to assess whether or not they constitute regulated activity and safeguarding

measures are implemented as required.

If a risk assessment concludes that regulated activity is to be carried out additional checks will be carried

out to review spent criminal records and other information, as relevant to the protected group.


We recognise that:

● the welfare of the child, young person and adult at risk is paramount

● all children, young people and adults at risk have the right to equal

protection from all types of harm or abuse

The purpose of this policy is to provide:

● protection for the children, young people and adults at risk who receive Stryx’s services both

onsite and offsite

● employees, workers, contractors and agency workers with guidance on procedures they should

adopt in the event that they suspect a child, young person or adult at risk may be experiencing, or

be at risk of harm. We will seek to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk by:

● valuing them, listening to and respecting them

● adopting safeguarding procedures and a code of conduct for employees and workers, contractors

and agency workers

● recruiting employees and engaging workers, contractors and agency workers safely and ensuring

all necessary checks are made

● sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving children,

young people, adults at risk and parents/guardians appropriately

● providing effective management for employees through supervision and support

● creating a safe environment by risk assessing all activities undertaken onsite and offsite

● protecting the identity of children by restricting access to personal information and reproduction of

images in print or online

This policy applies to all employees, workers, contractors and agency workers engaged to work

on behalf of Stryx.

Stryx is committed to reviewing this policy every year or earlier if there are major changes in

legislation or within the organisation.


This section outlines the behaviour expected of Stryx employees, workers, contractors and agency


This code has been developed to provide advice which will not only help to protect children, young

people and adults at risk, but will also help identify any practices which could be mistakenly interpreted

and perhaps lead to false allegations of abuse being made against individuals.

Following this good practice code will also help to protect Stryx by reducing the possibility of anyone

either using their role within the organisation to gain access to children in order to abuse them or leaving

themselves open to allegations of abuse.

When working on behalf of Stryx with children, young people and adults at risk all employees, workers,

contractors and agency workers are considered to be acting in a position of trust. It is therefore important

that they act in an appropriate manner at all times and follow the code of conduct.

All employees, workers, contractors and agency workers are expected to report any breaches of this

code to a Director.

Employees who breach this code of conduct may be subject to Stryx’s disciplinary procedures.

Any breach of this code involving a worker, contractor or agency worker may result in termination of their


Serious breaches of this code may also result in a referral being made to the police or a statutory child or

adult protection agency.



You should:

● always follow Stryx’s Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Procedures

● ensure that there is more than one adult present

● listen to and respect children, young people and adults at risk

● treat children, young people and adults at risk fairly and without prejudice

● value and take the contributions of children, young people and adults at risk seriously

● always ensure equipment is used appropriately and for the purpose it was designed for e.g.

computers, cameras etc.

● ensure any physical contact is appropriate and in relation to the nature of the session (n.b.

physical contact may be necessary in the case of emergencies but must remain appropriate and

be kept to a minimum at all times)

● always ensure language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory

● recognise that special caution is required when you are discussing sensitive issues with children,

young people and adults at risk

● challenge unacceptable behaviour and report all allegations or suspicions of abuse

You should not:

● put a child, young person or adult who may be vulnerable at risk

● patronise children, young people and adults at risk

● allow allegations to go unreported

● develop inappropriate relationships with children, young people and adults at risk:

● let children, young people and adults at risk have your personal telephone number or email

● make contact via social media that is unrelated to Stryx business

● make personal remarks or discuss themes that encourage children, young people and adults at
risk to share personal information

● use sarcasm or insensitive comments

● act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive

● make inappropriate promises to children, young people and adults at risk, particularly in relation
to confidentiality

● jump to conclusions about others without checking facts

● either exaggerate or trivialise safeguarding issues

● be complacent about the potential risks to others and yourself

● take a chance when common sense, policy or procedures suggest another more prudent


This policy for Stryx is derived from a variety of legislative provisions and statutory guidance. In

particular, it is based on good practice found in:

● Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021).

● Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018).

Our safeguarding policy and procedures comply with all of this guidance and are updated with

local arrangements agreed and published by the three local safeguarding partners.

The following legislation is also incorporated into this policy:

● The Children Act 1989 (and 2004 amendment), which gives a broad framework for the care and

protection of children and includes provisions for Local Authority inquiries, care proceedings, and

emergency provisions.

● Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 S 5B(11), as inserted by section 74 of the Serious Crime Act

2015, places a statutory duty on teachers to report to the police where they discover/find that

female genital mutilation (FGM) appears to have been carried out on a girl under 18.

Responsibilities for safeguarding and supporting girls affected by FGM are found in Statutory

Guidance on FGM.

● The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 which outlines provisions for when people with criminal

convictions can work with children.

● “PREVENT” duties under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 with respect to protecting

people from the risk of radicalisation and extremism can be found in: Statutory Guidance on the

Prevent Duty.

Other statutory provisions and guidance relevant to child protection and safeguarding include:

● The Education Act 2002 (Section 175).

● The Sexual Offences Act, 2003, Home Office.

● Guidance on Sharing Information.

● Guidance on Peer-on-Peer Sexual Abuse


What happens if a child, young person or adult discloses or you have a safeguarding concern?

If a child, young person or adult at risk discloses (i.e. tells you about abuse or harm s/he is suffering or

has suffered) all employees, workers, contractors and agency workers will:

● listen carefully, only asking questions for clarification

● remain calm and caring and avoid interpreting information

● tell the child, young person or adult at risk that you need to share this

information with others but make it clear to them that you will only tell people who need to know

and who can help; you should not promise to keep it a ‘secret’

● speak immediately to a Safeguarding Officer (if activity is delivered at an external organisation) or

Stryx Director

● make a signed and dated record of what was said using the words of the child, young person or

adult at risk as soon as possible after the disclosing conversation using a standard Disclosure of

Information Report form (Appendix C) which you can also use to record your observations

If you have a safeguarding concern but the child, young person or adult at risk has not disclosed then

you can also use this form to record your concern.

A summary of the referral process is provided in the Safeguarding Procedures (Appendix B).

Stryx Directors fulfill the role of Designated Safeguarding Persons at Stryx.

Safeguarding concerns and referrals should be reported directly to a Stryx Directors, who are

responsible for:

● receiving and recording information from anyone who has concerns

● assessing the information promptly and carefully, clarifying or obtaining

more information when they need to

● consulting initially with a statutory child/adult protection agency

● following Stryx’s referral process as outlined in the Safeguarding Procedures document, and if

necessary making a formal referral to a statutory child/adult protection agency

● ensuring that procedure is followed on such matters as making a referral, confidentiality and


● leading in the development of safeguards and review of Stryx policy and procedures

It is not the Director’s responsibility to determine whether a disclosure is valid.

In addition to managing the referral process Directors will meet on a regular basis to monitor, review and

develop the work of Stryx in delivering its duty of care, to help keep abreast of good practice initiatives

and changes to legislation.

The Lead Safeguarding Officer is Anna Domejko.


The right of a child, young person or adult at risk to be protected takes precedence over a

parents’/guardians’ right to confidentiality.

Directors will keep all Disclosure of Information Report forms in a locked non-portable cabinet for 12



Risk assessment

Risk assessment is undertaken as required and takes into account operational and organisational risks

including safeguarding.

A Health and Safety Informative for Education Programme vulnerable persons is available on the

website for schools and other education groups website

In the event that employees, workers, contractors or agency workers undertake project work onsite or

offsite which constitutes ‘regulated activity’ involving children, young people or adults at risk, such

projects will be risk assessed on a case by case basis and referred to the Directors to ascertain whether

enhanced DBS checks are required.

Lost or unaccompanied child procedure

There are established procedures for reporting lost or unaccompanied children, young people and adults

at risk. These can be found in the Safeguarding Procedures.


Visitors are allowed to photograph, film and record in Stryx for personal, non-commercial purposes,

although some exceptions apply. There are established procedures which apply if Stryx undertakes

photography, filming and recording of children, young people and adults at risk, including the recording,

storing and publishing of images. Full details are outlined in the Safeguarding Procedures document.


Stryx’s Recruitment and Selection Policy covers the pre-employment checks necessary to work for Stryx,

including criminal record checks.

The approval process to fill a post, or engage workers, agency workers or contractors, assesses if the

role is likely to carry out regulated activities, following a risk assessment by a Director.

Reference to Stryx’s Safeguarding Policy will be included in the recruitment pack.

It is a criminal offence for an individual who is disqualified from working with children to knowingly apply

for, offer to do, accept or undertake any work in a regulated position. It is a criminal offence for Stryx to

knowingly employ an individual who is disqualified from working with children and therefore Stryx

undertakes not to do so.


Employee induction

Safeguarding is included in the general induction on the first day of employment and all new employees

are signposted to this policy.

Stryx induction itinerary covers the Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Procedures as part of the

Health and Safety induction process. All employees are briefed that they should be alert to the safety

and welfare of children, young people and adults at risk and made aware of the referral process for

reporting disclosures or concerns to a Director.


Directors are required to attend training for reviewing the legislative framework and ensuring that Stryx

is delivering its duty of care. Directors will attend refresher training on a regular basis.

Safeguarding training will also be provided for other employees if it is required to fulfil their role.



An up to date version of the Safeguarding Policy and Disclosure of Information Report form is available

on Gmail Drive in Stryx Shared Folder where all employees can access these documents at any time.

Directors are responsible for notifying employees of changes to the Safeguarding Policy, Safeguarding

Procedures and Disclosure of Information Report form.

Workers, contractors and agency workers

Directors are responsible for ensuring that all workers, contractors and agency workers receive a copy of

the Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Procedures document at the point of engagement and that

they are informed of any changes to this documentation.


Stryx Safeguarding policy is published on the website.


There are established procedures for whistle-blowing. These can be found on Gmail Drive in Stryx

Shared Folder.

Appendix A – Definitions and responsibilities


In the context of this policy a child is defined as anyone under the age of 18, thus including those

commonly referred to as ‘young people’.

Adult at risk

An adult at risk may be someone aged 18 years or over who ‘may be in need of community care services

by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or

herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation’. This definition is

taken from the current Department of Health guidance to local partnerships.

Regulated activity

The full, legal definition of regulated activity is set out in Schedule 4 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable

Groups Act 2006, as amended (in particular, by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012).

The following summary of the definition is derived from this document: information-leaflets

Regulated activity excludes family arrangements, and personal, non-commercial arrangements.

1.Regulated activity relating to children comprises:

i. Unsupervised activities: teach, train, instruct, care for or supervise children, or provide

advice/guidance on well-being, or drive a vehicle only for children;

ii. Work for a limited range of establishments (‘specified places’), with opportunity for contact: for

example, schools, children’s homes, childcare premises. Not work by supervised volunteers;

Work under (i) or (ii) is regulated activity only if done regularly by the same person:

• Once a week or more, or

• 4 or more days in 30, or

• Overnight

2. Regulated activity relating to adults

Regulated activity relating to adults no longer labels adults as ‘vulnerable’. Instead, the definition

identifies the activities which, if any adult requires them, lead to that adult being considered vulnerable at

that particular time. This means that the focus is on the activities required by the adult and not on the

setting in which the activity is received, nor on the personal characteristics or circumstances of the adult

receiving the activities.

There are six categories of people who fall within the definition of regulated activity (and so will anyone

who provides day to day management or supervision of those people).

i. Providing health care

ii. Providing personal care

iii. Providing social work

iv. Assistance with cash, bills and/or shopping

v. Assistance in the conduct of a person’s own affairs

vi. Conveying

Minimum age for independent visitors

Stryx accepts independent visitors aged 16 and over.

Responsibility for children, young people and adults at risk

Responsibility for a child ultimately lies with the parent or whoever is in loco parentis for that child. This is

usually a teacher, social worker, carer or guardian, whichever applies.

Responsibility for an adult at risk ultimately lies with the person undertaking regulated activity relating to

that individual.

Local authorities have a responsibility for organisations working with children in their boroughs to have

their own safeguarding and child protection policies. Employees from schools and other institutions will

therefore comply with their own policies and procedures and Stryx ensures that these responsibilities are

always made clear to the organisations it works with.

Children aged 15 or under must be accompanied at all organised events by a responsible adult; at

school visits the teacher is in loco parentis. These adults are responsible for supervising the children in

their care at all times and this is clearly stated in all marketing material.

Adult to pupil ratios for facilitated school visits

To protect students, employees, workers, contractors and agency workers we require the following adult

to pupil ratios for facilitated school visits:

Early Years Foundation Stage (3-5 years old) 1:6

Key Stages 1-2 (5-11 years old) 1:10

Key Stages 3-5 (11-18 years old) 1:15

Appendix B – Safeguarding Procedures document


1 Introduction.

2 Procedure for staff receiving and reporting an allegation of suspected abuse

3 Procedure for the Directors

4 Safeguarding Case Management Guidelines

1 Introduction

These procedures must be followed if a vulnerable person alleges abuse which has

occurred whilst at Stryx or elsewhere.

In all cases where an allegation of abuse or a sustainable allegation is made, Stryx Directors

must be informed immediately. Stryx Directors are:

 Karolina Korupczynska

 Anna Katarzyna Domejko

Indicators of abuse may include but are not limited to:-

 Disclosure

 Injuries that appear non - accidental

 A change in behaviour

 Neglect of a person’s emotional or physical needs

2 Procedure for staff receiving and reporting an allegation of suspected abuse

2.1 Record and report minor incidents that in themselves do not constitute abuse or suspected

abuse but, if repeated over a period of time, would give rise to concern.

2.2 When abuse is suspected or disclosed, explain to the vulnerable person that you have a

duty to share the information with the Directors or the Safeguarding Lead of the partner

organsiation the vulnerable person is under care off. Ensure they know that the issue will be

dealt with and taken seriously, by appropriate professional people.

2.3 Offer the person support at all times. Ease their anxieties as best you can.

2.4 The staff member talking to the vulnerable person should ask the vulnerable person open

questions to establish an outline of the incident(s) and use the Disclosure of Information Report

form (Appendix F). Be aware that, at this stage, the facts need to be established as accurately

as possible as the information may be needed for the full investigation.

2.5 Clearly record any injuries and all details the vulnerable person gives to you. Situations of

abuse may lead to criminal investigation and you may be required to make a statement and

any records you make may be subject to disclosure as evidence. Photographic evidence must

not be taken e.g. of bruising but recorded on a body map.

2.6 Record the vulnerable person and /or the referer’s details as required on the Disclosure of

Information Report , including:

 the referrer’s own status or involvement.

 the nature of abuse, including specific incidents.

 the alleged abuser’s personal details, including their relationship to the vulnerable


 the need for a signer, an interpreter / intervener.

 details of any other agencies involved if known by the referrer.

 whether the vulnerable person or the alleged abuser is aware of the referral.

 the current whereabouts of the vulnerable person and alleged abuser and their

likely movements for the next 24 hours.

2.7 If another person is involved in the allegation, ensure they remain in separate areas.

2.8 Ensure confidentiality is maintained by only informing those who need to know. The incident

is not to be discussed with other vulnerable persons, families, other Stryx staff, professionals or

the media. If you require assistance from another member of staff give minimal information only.

2.9 All other necessary action required will be taken by the Directors or the Safeguarding Lead

of the partner organization the vulnerable person is under care off, including, involving other

agencies (police, social services, CQC) informing parents and carers and supporting

vulnerable persons and staff.

If you believe that it would not be appropriate for the Directors or the Safeguarding Lead of

the partner organization the vulnerable person is under care off, to be involved, you should

inform another member of the partner organisation Safeguarding Team or one Director only.

You are able to contact social services or the police. This should only occur if you believe

none of the Stryx’s Management Team will also be appropriate.

2.10 If you need urgent support and none of the Directors or the Safeguarding Team of the

partner organization the vulnerable person is under care off, are not contactable, get in touch

with the next senior person. Whatever the circumstances, if the individual insists on going to the

police, then that must be facilitated and, where practical, the vulnerable person should be

accompanied by an appropriate member of staff form Stryx or the partner organisation (what is

most appropriate).

2.11 In general we will discuss safeguarding concerns with parents/carers (for vulnerable

persons under the age of 18) before approaching other agencies, and will seek their consent to

making a referral to another agency. We will seek the consent of vulnerable persons over the

age of 18 and will ask them if we can tell their parents. However, there may be occasions we will

contact another agency before informing parents/carers because we consider that contacting

them may increase the risk of significant harm to the vulnerable person.

3 Procedure for the Directors when dealing with suspected abuse

3.1 Review the referral/incident and whether the vulnerable person or client needs medical


3.2 Ensure any medical attention needed is provided immediately. Establish that the

vulnerable person or client is not in immediate danger.

3.3 Inform staff making the referral that there is a Whistleblowing Policy in place to protect

them if they have any concerns about reporting incidents.

3.4 Remember that the report and records you make may be required as evidence in any

subsequent criminal proceedings.

3.5 Check if there are any previous Stryx records for previous information relating to the

vulnerable person and their alleged abuser.

3.6 Having gathered and recorded as much information as possible, contact Designated

Safeguarding Leads in a partner organisation responsible for the vulnerable person or make

an external referral and Early Help guidance. See also 2.10 above.

3.7 Having discussed the seriousness and severity of the allegations, Contact if required :

● CASS (Children’s Advice and Support Service) 0121 303 1888.

Or: Emergency Duty Team (outside normal hours): 0121 675 4806.

● West Midlands Police: 0845 113 5000 or 101 and ask for the Police Child and


● Adult Protection Officer - Make it clear you are making a referral and request a

referral/incident reference number. State that this is a child protection referral which

will be followed by a written report.

● Birmingham Social Services – Adults & Communities /Emergency Duty Team (outside

normal office hours): 0121 675 4806.

● If it is not an emergency and you want to report adult abuse please call the “Adults &

Communities Access Point” (ACAP) on 0121 303 1234.

3.8 Follow advice from those listed above, also clarify the position of parental

involvement and other agencies. Where the vulnerable person already has a

safeguarding social worker, the request for service should go immediately to the social

worker involved, or in their absence, to their team manager. Stryx will co operate with

any multi agency meetings or discussions.

3.9 If the police are involved, arrange for the vulnerable person(s) to be escorted to and from

the police station and ensure they receive support and advocacy from the Stryx.

3.10 Only inform those staff who need to know of the incident, giving the briefest details


3.11 Record all actions undertaken on the Disclosure of Information Report

3.12 Report details of the incident/complaint to the Disclosure and Barring Service if the

investigation finds allegations to be substantiated as per the DBS guidance.

3.13 Addresses of relevant organisations and local offices which deal with Child and Adult


 Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership

Contact details

Monday to Thursday: 8:45am to 5:15pm

Friday: 8:45am to 4:15pm

Telephone: 0121 303 1888

Emergency out-of-hours

Telephone: 0121 675 4806

PO Box 17340

Birmingham B2 2DR

 Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Team

Birmingham B2 2DP

● Email:

● Telephone: 0121 303 1234

● Text Relay: Dial 18001, followed by the full national phone number

● Online form:



Appendix C - Definitions of abuse (Birmingham Safeguarding Children

and Adult Boards)

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding,

drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a vulnerable person. Physical

harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately

induces ill health in a vulnerable person.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a person such as to cause

severe and persistent adverse effects on their emotional development. It may involve

conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar

as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age or developmentally

inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that

are beyond the child’s developmental capability as well as overprotection and limitation of

exploration and learning, or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. It

may involve seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another person. It may involve serious

bullying causing the person frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or involve their

exploitation or corruption. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of

maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a person to take part in sexual activities, including

prostitution, whether or not the person is aware of what is happening. The activities may

involve physical contact, including penetrative (e.g. rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts.

They may include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the

production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to

behave in sexually inappropriate ways or grooming in preparation for abuse (including via the


Sexual Exploitation

Sexual exploitation occurs when a person receives ‘something’ (e.g. food, accommodation,

drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of them performing sexual

activities or another person performing sexual activities on the person. Significant indicators

can include having a relationship of concern with a controlling adult or young person; entering

and/or leaving vehicles driven by unknown adults, possessing unexplained amounts of money,

expensive clothes or other items, frequenting areas known for risky activities; being groomed or

abused via the internet or mobile technology; having unexplained contact with hotels, taxi

companies or fast food outlets.

Child Sexual Exploitation (DfE 2017) is a form of child sexual abuse and occurs when an

individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or

deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity a) in exchange for

something the victim wants or needs, and/or b) for the financial advantage or increased status

of the perpetrator or facilitator. The victim may have been sexually exploited even if the sexual

activity appears consensual. The exploitation does not always involve physical contact, it can

also occur through the use of technology.

Neglect or acts of omission

Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a person’s basic physical and/or psychological

needs, likely to result in the severe impairment of their health or development. Neglect may

occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is

born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, clothing or

shelter, including exclusion from home or abandonment, failing to protect a vulnerable

person from physical and emotional harm or danger, failing to ensure adequate supervision

including the use of inadequate carers, or failing to ensure access to appropriate medical

care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a person’s basic

emotional needs.

Financial Abuse

This may include theft, fraud, exploitation, (and for vulnerable adults: pressure in connection

with wills, property or inheritance or financial transactions), or the misuse or misappropriation

of property, possessions or benefits. Some of the recognised signs of financial or material

abuse are: loss of jewellery and personal property, lack of money to purchase basic items, a

bill not being paid when money is entrusted to a third party, inadequate clothing, unexplained

withdrawal of cash, and loss of money from a wallet or purse.

Discriminatory Abuse

This may include abuse, bullying and harassment based on the individual’s age, sex,

disability, religion, race or ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Institutional Abuse

“Institutional abuse” is sometimes used to describe abuse which pervades a particular

establishment. Institutional abuse may take the form of repeated incidents of poor or

unsatisfactory professional practice, at one end of the spectrum, through widespread and

persistent ill treatment or gross misconduct at the other. There may be a variety of underlying

factors in relation to poor care standards which could include, for example, inadequate

staffing, an insufficient knowledge base within the service, lack of essential equipment, rigid

routines or a controlling management regime. Any of the types of abuse outlined above may

be raised as allegations in the context of abuse within an institution.

Domestic abuse

Controlling and coercive behaviour, forced marriage, ‘honour’-based violence including

female genital mutilation.


Neglecting to care for oneself or environment

Modern Slavery

Trafficking; forced labour and domestic servitude

Appendix D - Allegations of abuse against staff / directors

Allegations of abuse against staff

Due to their close professional relationship with service users, some staff at Stryx may be

particularly open to allegations of misconduct or abuse. Staff can harm vulnerable persons

accidentally, deliberately or as a result of failure to follow procedures, policies or good

practice. All staff are required to read and sign an agreement to the Stryx’s Staff Code of


Any allegation about a member of staff will be reported to the Directors. If an allegation is

made about a member of staff or volunteer, or for any other reason suspicion falls on a

member of staff or volunteer, Stryx will follow the advice of the Local Authority Designated

Officer (LADO) 0121 675 1669 or Police Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer until

the enquiries are complete. A child or Vulnerable Adult protection investigation will take

precedence over an internal disciplinary investigation.

The Directors will determine whether the member of staff should be suspended, or some

other action taken. This assessment will take into account the context of the allegation,

background information regarding the member of staff and information regarding the

vulnerable person. A decision to suspend will be considered if information received alleges


- the member of staff may have committed an act of gross misconduct and/or

- his/her continued presence at work would impede an investigation and/or

- he/she could pose a risk to the vulnerable person or other vulnerable persons.

The member of staff may also be suspended if their remaining at Stryx leaves him or her

vulnerable. The suspension in no way indicates or implies guilt. The Stryx recognises the

person’s need for support and will be able to help identify suitable sources of support.

If the investigation identifies fault by the member of staff any subsequent action will be

linked to the Stryx’s disciplinary procedure. If the Principal decides that the allegation is

without foundation and no further formal action is necessary, all those involved should be

informed of this conclusion, and the reasons for the decision recorded on the young

person’s safeguarding file.

Allegations of abuse against the Director

Staff who identify a potential vulnerable person concern/allegation about the Director must

act on those concerns and immediately contact the other Director.

Appendix E - Statement of Conduct on Freedom of Speech and Expression


Stryx recognises and endorses that freedom of speech and expression within the law is

important for Stryx. Stryx is required to take measures to protect freedom of lawful speech

and expression. This principle is also enshrined in Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998.

The obligations of this Statement shall apply to:

 All vulnerable persons and clients of Stryx, including all those working with

Stryx under an agreement with a partner organisation.

 All staff and volunteers

 All persons invited to speak or otherwise take part in events to be held on

Stryx premises (to vulnerable persons/staff)

 All organisations and individuals using Stryx gallery hire facilities for business

and social events.

 All contractors to the Stryx

Stryx obligations

The Stryx has the responsibility to maintain good order on its premises. It has the

right and the power to regulate and, if necessary, to impose conditions or restrictions

upon events such as meetings and demonstrations held or proposed to be held on its


Where it is foreseeable that an event may raise issues of controversy in some way, a

request should be made in writing to the Principal for permission to hold such an event.

For vulnerable person/staff focussed events a Visitors Log must be completed. For

Hospitality bookings, all hires must comply with this Statement. Contractors will also be

sent the Statement as part of their obligations and terms.

Expression of views

Stryx will not suppress freedom of thought and expression, provided such thoughts and

expressions do not go beyond the articulation of views and do not constitute incitement

to riot, insurrection, racial hatred, religious hatred, sexual harassment or other activities

which are likely to cause a breach of the peace or public disorder or otherwise to be

unlawful and provided that, by allowing such views to be expressed, the Stryx would

not be failing in its wider legal duties (for example, the Equality Act 2010 and the

Prevent Duty within the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015).

Reasonable grounds for action would include, but are not limited to, the fact that the

event or expression of views by individuals may, within the premises of the Stryx:

 Incite those present to commit a criminal act

 Lead to the unlawful expression of views

 Be in direct support of an organisation whose aims and objectives are illegal

 Give rise to a breach of the peace

Holding of events

In determining whether the holding of an event on Stryx premises might reasonably

be refused, consideration will be given to:

 The health and safety of people attending the event and all staff, vulnerable

persons or other visitors on Stryx premises who might foreseeably be put at risk.

 The security of the Stryx’s property and premises

 The good name and reputation of the Stryx

Sanctions and penalties

Where those responsible for the breach are vulnerable persons, staff or volunteers of

the Stryx, action may be taken against them under the relevant disciplinary procedure.

The Stryx will work with external agencies and families in accordance with its

Safeguarding Policy to ensure the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable persons is


Where those responsible for the breach are vulnerable persons or staff of a partner

organisation of Stryx, the Directors shall inform the partner organisation with a view that

the partner organisation takes action under its relevant procedures.

Where a breach of this Statement takes place at an event, the Stryx may take steps to

assist the police to secure identification of the persons committing offences with a

view to appropriate action being taken against them.


Communication of this Statement will be undertaken by:

Directors - All staff circulation

Appendix F - Stryx Disclosure of Information Report form

For completion by staff or volunteers when they become aware of child welfare concerns in

accordance with government guidance and the child protection policy. The Designated

Safeguarding Lead will monitor concerns and report where appropriate to Children’s Social Care

if a child is deemed at risk of significant harm. This information will be disclosed only to those

staff who need to know for the purposes of child protection. Concerns should usually be shared

with parent/child, unless to do so may place a child/ren at increased risk of harm (if in doubt

about this, the DSL should consult with Children’s Social Care). Please write legibly and do not

use acronyms. Exact words must be used even if they may offend.

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